The following candidates were awarded the Peter Meusburger
Doctoral Prize:
Marc Schulze
„Universities‘ Foreign Investment on Stony Ground?
Offshore Campus Development in Malaysia and Singapore
Between Sector Opening and Closure“
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Katja Thiele
„Öffentliche Bibliotheken zwischen Digitalisierung und
Austerität: Kommunale Strategien und ihre Implikationen
für die Bildungsgerechtigkeit“
University of Bonn
Kerstin J. Schäfer
„Competitiveness through R&D internationalization –
patent- and interview data based studies on a latecomer in
the telecommunications industry“
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Huiwen Gong
„Structure and agency in local path development: A
comparative study of the online games industry in Shanghai
and Hamburg“
Kiel University
Julia Nast
„Organisational Neighbourhood Inequality: Organisational
Habitus and Practices in Primary Schools in Deprived and
Privileged Neighbourhoods“
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
King’s College London